Map Tiles

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Revision as of 17:05, 30 March 2017 by Gmcollett (talk | contribs)
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The Command Button named Map Tiles causes all of the un-cached map tiles at all zoom levels on the current Route to be loaded into the map tile cache from the Map Server. You will need to do this if you want to use KayakNav off-line. This process runs multiple download threads, but will still take some time to complete for long Routes.

Internally, KayakNav builds a list of all the tiles within the bounds of the route for all zoom levels. Multiple concurrent download processes fetch the tiles from the Map Server if they are not already cached in the database. If any download requests fail, they are retried until the tile is fetched successfully. If you stop KayakNav during this process, the download will be abandoned and will not restart automatically. You must hit the Map Tiles button again to restart the process.

Once all the map tiles at all zoom levels for the current route have been downloaded (or checked that they are not already cached), you will see the following message.

All Map Tiles for the current Route have been downloaded.

During the download process, you may notice KayakNav slows down and may be less responsive to touch due to the resources required to check/fetch the tiles.

Alternatively, you can load up a planned route and activate the Simulation Mode to pre-cache map tiles. This however may not cache all the required map tiles.

Map Tiles have a specific url that is calculated from the zoom level and the GPS coordinates that can be calculated using the Formulas on this page. Once you have these Map Tile X, Y and Z values, they can be used to retrieve any specific tile from the Map Tile Server{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png

For example: shows one tile.

You can also use the slippymap interface to browse the map.