Map Server

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KayakNav can display maps from Open Street Map servers and by default uses the Acacia Map Server. The maps are subject to Copyright.

The Map Server is basically a web server that responds to requests for Map Tiles at a specific X, Y coordinate and Zoom Level. KayakNav builds the displayed Map from multiple Map Tiles. If a required Map Tile is not cached in the database, it is downloaded from the Map Server and stored into the database.

Since iOS 9.0, Apple mandates that the Map Server be secured, so to comply with this, the Acacia Map Server URL has been changed to https:// instead of http://.

More Details

KayakNav displays Animated Paddler Icons, readings, routes and waypoint bubbles over a base map.

KayakNav can download maps automatically from most OpenStreetMap tile servers. Maps are composed of a number of pre-rendered PNG tiles that are displayed as a continuous image at the selected zoom level. KayakNav stores them in an internal database. Cached tiles will always be used in preference to downloading a tile again, so once a section of a map is loaded at a particular zoom level, it will be available off-line.

Map tiles are stored indefinitely however, if you uninstall KayakNav, the cached map tiles will be deleted. If you install KayakNav on another device you will have to download the required map tiles again.

All cached map tiles are available in off-line mode. If you don't have a WiFi or data connection, cached tiles will be used, so you must ensure that you have cached all of the required map tiles at all of the required zoom levels before going off-line.

If KayakNav needs to display map tiles at a zoom level where they have not yet been downloaded and cached and there is no internet connection available, it will attempt to show cached scaled images from other zoom levels where available.

By default, KayakNav is configured in Settings to use the AcaciaLT OpenStreetMap tile server which uses a customised colour scheme. If you have signed up to MapBox or another map server, you can change the setting to use that server including your custom user ID and style for that server.