Animated Paddler Icon

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The paddler icon has been animated so it is easier to locate on the map, which may contain many distracting features.

This icon changes based on the speed, current Activity and the colour of the map under the Current Location. When you are on water and moving, it will show a paddling icon, but over land and moving it will be a car icon. The Animated Paddler Icon will paddle with a cadence that is proportional to your speed. If the icon is stopped, this shows that the paddler is resting or the car is stopped. If you pass under a bridge, the icon may briefly change to portage or car because the map colour under the current location changed from water colour. By default the colour of water is determined as the colour of the map pixel under the start mark coordinate. The Activity Info Cell can tell you what the current Activity is.

The Acacia map server generates maps with a consistent light blue colour for all navigable waterways. It assumes that the colour of the map under the start point is water, and checks the colour of the map under the paddler. If it looks like water (i.e. similar colour) the Animated Paddler Icon will be a kayak with a paddling animation. If the colour is different, it assumes you are heading to or from the water and shows a car with the boat on top. Because of this auto-surface sensing, the icon will change if your path crosses land such as where a bridge is shown across the waterway.