Acacia Support
This is the support page for Acacia Web Site Acacia Lateral Technologies Pty Ltd products. Click on the links below to explore details of the products listed. Use the Search box on the top right to search for any key words.
Check out all the Acacia Apps in the Apple App Store
Acacia Products
MAC OSx Apps
- Presenta - a Mac diagramming tool
- StoreShotMaker - creates multiple sized images for App Store submissions
- QuickFileCompare - simple comparison of two text files for the Mac.
- QuickServerCheck - a visual multi-server monitoring app for the Mac.
iOS Apps
- KayakNav - cached map live zoom rotate navigation app for kayaking (v2 coming soon!). A new version based on Apple Maps is nearing completion and should be release in the next couple of months.
- Morsenger - send and receive morse code via audio and visual paths.
- BarcodeSleuth - read and create multiple barcode types.
- QuickBallMaze - navigate through a maze by tilting your device.
Apple Watch Apps
Privacy Policy
For specific enquiries regarding Acacia products, please email Acacia.
Financial Systems
Under Development
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